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Background Check

Sarah Grout

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Southwest Baptist University
Psychology, 2001

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Christian Education, 2005
Counseling Concentration
Texan Status: 3 years


In July 2002, Sarah joined the Woodard team as an Administrative Assistant, while she and her husband, Brian, were working on their master's degrees.  After graduation from SWBTS in 2005, Sarah and Brian moved to Missouri.

In August 2013, Sarah re-joined the Woodard team, but this time working from home as a Case Manager.  Sarah is a native of Mooresville, Indiana, and finished in the top 10% of her class at Mooresville High School in 1997.


Sarah and Brian have three children: Ethan, Brooklyn, and Payton.  Sarah teaches online psychology classes for Southwest Baptist University, where she has been an adjunct professor since August 2005.  Sarah also enjoys singing and playing guitar in the praise band at church.  In 2015, Sarah ran her first half marathon.  Since then, she's run over 20 half marathons, as well as two full marathons.