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Life Insurance

Life insurance planning begins with you:  We begin by helping you determine the appropriate type and amount of insurance you need. 

As insurance brokers, we represent many insurers.  Our established relationships with so many insurers help us obtain competitive offers for the unique situations of our diverse clients, including those with complicated health histories and financial situations.  Our life insurance tools include level-premium term life insurance, universal life insurance, and whole life insurance.  Our life insurance planning services extend to families and business owners.

Comparing insurers' published best rates is of no use to you if you have one or more health problems.  If you have a health impairment, we rigorously negotiate your situation with several insurers' underwriters.

In addition to establishing your personalized life insurance program, we provide advice to you on many life insurance-related topics, including ownership issues and beneficiary designations.

Woodard Insurance, LLP, is the opposite of an insurance "quote shop."   We emphasize outstanding service and advice and long-term client relationships over impersonal price quoting.