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Individualized Disability Planning

Woodard Insurance, LLP, has advised more doctors on their disability income insurance planning than any other insurance planning firm in Tarrant County.  Bring us your existing disability income policy, perhaps one you bought during your residency, for a complimentary review.  Most of the time, we advise our clients to keep their existing disability income insurance policies.  In some cases, we can serve as the servicing agent of your existing policy.

When you multiply the value of your lifetime earnings potential times the odds of disability (morbidity), which is higher than the odds of death (mortality) at any age, you understand the need for disability income insurance.  Woodard helps you design a disability insurance program customized for your individual occupational and financial needs while keeping your budget in mind.  

Disability income insurance can be expensive, and we know that buying the highest-priced policy rarely makes sense for our professional clients.  Therefore, we seek to reduce the cost of disability income insurance by recommending policy features that we have found to be valuable in our clients'  actual disability claims and avoiding high-cost but rarely-used features.  In addition, we try to secure employer and association discounts wherever possible, find unisex pricing for our female clients, and negotiate fair underwriting offers for persons with health problems.

The finest disability income contracts are called "non-cancellable" or "non-can" policies.  Prior to a certain age, typically age 65, the insurer cannot cancel them, change any provisions, or increase the rates.  

Often, employers want to provide their top executives with "non-can" disability insurance.  Woodard has established individual disability insurance arrangments for many businesses.  We can work with your benefits consultant and attorney to coordinate them with your ERISA group LTD plans.